Stress and Anxiety

“People are not disturbed about events,

but by their views of these events” Epictetus

Stress and Anxiety

 “Stress and Anxiety wreak havoc on the mind and body…… The research shows for the first time, that the effects of psychological stress on the body’s ability to regulate inflammation, can promote the development and progression of disease.” Carnegie Mellon University

“People are not disturbed about events, but by their views of these events” Epictetus
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one`s attitude in any given circumstance” Viktor Frankl

Feeling overwhelmed, do not know how to move forward, feeling stuck with little hope…
There is always hope and creatively find what has meaning for you, so you can include these activities in your daily living, so as to lessen your stress and anxiety levels, which has evidence based research to back this up.

​Also it may help to learn many coping strategies by access to a range of therapeutic insights or set motivational coaching goals. Looking at nutrition, herbs and lifestyle may be helpful, depending on what will specifically help you.


Here are some examples you may want support with…​

  • Stress and anxiety may be affecting your moods, increase lack of self worth or feelings of being overwhelmed, when at work or at home.
  • Individuals with CFS or ME may benefit from a holistic approach, perhaps finding ways to manage and pace physical being, use of herbs and nutrition. Relaxation and coaching techniques and find meaningful activities and more.
  • Stress and anxiety, and or panic attacks or PTSD, may be causing barriers and prevent action towards a more balanced future.  For 30 or more techniques for you to try, EMDR, visual imagery, advanced hypnotherapy and other therapeutic interventions.
  • Depression and feeling so low, that you feel you are unable to do anything. Find how to move towards your preferred future.
  • So not feeling authentic, as only doing things for others, so as to meet their approval. Find what is truly meaningful for you and do more of these activities in your daily life.
  • I have also had the pleasure to work for the last 30 years with Neuro-diverse individuals, including those with Autism and Aspergers, enabling understanding of unhelpful labels and instead focus on unique strengths. I feel mental and physical health medical labels, can blind us to true potential.

​It can be be difficult, trying to fit in to a world, where there may be unrealistic expectations and many demands from others. We may feel stuck or trapped, and feel the need to meet social norms, family and cultural conditioning, societal, political and media demands, so as to gain approval from others or just survive. Unfortunately, this may stop us from unpeeling the layers, in finding our true, authentic selves and doing more of what is meaningful to us. This may cause immense stress and anxiety, frustration, anger, exhaustion, depression and more…

Depending on what you want, I can offer a range of approaches, tools and coping strategies, to enable you to gain back some control so as to help yourself. Our confidential, therapeutic or proactive coaching or solution focussed brief therapeutic relationship, can give you the space you need, to enable you to move forward and feel more fulfilled. This may help increase motivation, self esteem and resilience to feel less pressurised, so you can regain that balance again.

Apart from relaxation, visualisation, mindfulness and NLP approaches, I have advanced qualifications in hypnotherapy and careers guidance. I can also discuss deeper, theoretical understanding of the mind and different perspectives,through the range of psychotherapeutic interventions, that I have also been trained in.

Individualised Herbal remedies and naturopathic support, may also help relax you to reduce and manage tension, stress and anxiety. Formulas can be made to help treat symptoms, such as insomnia, tension headaches, IBS and more. `Tonic` and `adaptogen` herbs may help to support your adrenals and nervous system, to help maintain stamina and energy.

• ‘Hands on’ Reflexology, Reiki, Indian head massage and Herbal ear candling can also help with physical and mental balance, as they can be incredibly relaxing in the calming lavender treatment room.



Walnut Tree Farm,
Church Road,
Carleton Rode,
NR16 1RR
01953 788 722       07766 885 631

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